Monday, January 18, 2010

01/18/2010 Week 2 (MTC)

January 18, 2010

so mom your tagalog is getting awesome haha. I’m not gonna show off with my tagalog skills yet cause I don’t want you to kill over with how good I’m getting. but yes mom i know elder hale and elder vander----whatever. Elder hale is in my district and he’s the funnest guy ever he cracks me up. Elder dahlin is his companion and every night we have story time in Elder Hales room. our district has 9 guys in it 3 of them are going to manila and the other 6 are all going to cauayan and they’re all awesome. tagalog is just like spanish except that the vocab is all completely different so it's pretty much way different except they use the same method, I guess you can say.

k so me and my casama would like mike n ikes, gummybears, and I need some white sox and just some plain gym tee shirts so just regular tee shirts and I think thats all for right now. everyone here hates the food but I’ll pretty much eat anything so I’m loving it -- definitely no complaints here. on sundays its pretty much a typical day except we have church and we watch one of those church movies so it’s really no treat. but it’s always nice to break up the monotony a little bit. I got all the shots I need I just got the typhoid. but the dentist was fine nothing too exciting there either. k i think i answered all your questions.

as for the cool stuff -- me and my companion discovered the referral center Friday and it was the best ever I got 3 people to consent to have the missionaries come over I think the Citi job paid off there cause nobody else had any luck besides sending them dvds and stuff like that.
but anyways that was awesome teaching lessons on the phone. my companion didn’t really want to or my whole district but i was like Matthew said it was awesome so we've got to try it. and now they all love it. haha

but so a funny story -- the other day when I was teaching someone they asked me in tagalog if I had any questions and to say "no i dont have" you say wala and i said walo. well it caused quite the confussion walo means 8 and wala means "i dont have any" so he thought i had 8 questions and i thought i had none so he goes off in tagalog and i didn’t have a clue what he was talking about so it took us about 5 minutes to sort it all out with my limited tagalog. haha but anyways I have one minute of email left so I’ve got to go i wish i had longer

I’ll talk to you later.
mahal kayo

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