Monday, March 8, 2010

03/08/2010 (Last email from the MTC)

My last night was fine a bunch of my district are having weight issues and it's pretty funny like i mean they have too much weight for their luggage! haha but anyways I'm like sitting there telling them stuff to get rid of but I'll tell you all about that later! I'll probably call about 5 ish so be expecting that
love ya and talk to you in a bit

(2nd Email)
k so i got some time and my comp wants to email so you get 2 this week. I sent Matthew a little package with 16 stamps so he better get it. It's just a big padded envelope and the lady said I needed 13 so i just used the rest of mine and my roomies! My comp is still having weight issues with his bag but I think we're getting closer. I'm perfect one bag weighs 48 and the other 46 so I'm all good!

I wanted to tell you i'm not gonna call you i mean its only been 2 months ... it's not like I've been gone that long so I'll just talk to you Mother's Day....................................hahahaha just joking (mom take a couple deep breaths before you have a heart attack.) I cant freaking wait to talk to you guys! It seems like it's been 2 years already in this place time seems like eternity but im gonna be in the phillys tomorrow well i guess wednessday! Dad how jealous are you? So i guess one of the 7 wonders of the world are around my mission the rice terraces so that's gonna be cool. But in the airport I'm going to get the biggest steak ever for dinner i seriously can't wait for that either. When I'm basking in the sun tomorrow I'll be thinking of you guys in the snow haha. It does suck to leave my investigators though. but it's not too big of a deal the church calls them like 24 7 so they get lots of calls! It will work out alright though!

I'll talk to you later
love ya

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