Sunday, December 5, 2010


Well nothing to new here this week! It was a very eventful week but Iwon’t go into detail about it right now. I don’t have much more time! For Church we meet in this little meeting house. It’s like the size of ourfront room and kitchen so the members don’t really fit. Then the kids in thePhilippines are really misbehaved so it’s kind of hard to concentrate it’skind of a fiasco I can’t wait until the new church is done (March).

That’s cool that a bunch of other churches went (to the Mountain Home Stake Creche Exhibit) that’s so good everyone always thinks Mormons are these crabby people that just go around slamming other religions. I always get really offended when they saystuff like that. If they only opened their eyes they would see the truth. So I think that’s way awesome exposure to see them together.

As for BSU – they’re stupid and Brotzman should learn how to kick. He’ssupposed to be good enough to get drafted but apparently not. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. There’s always next year but I heard that BSU is supposed to go to the Kraft Bowl in San Francisco and play Boston but either way another crappy bowl either way if they lose it will be back to nobodies.

AS for snow I don’t want to talk about it. haha it’s still hotter than ever here.

As for Uncle Lee - he died? I thought he was still okay and everything – that’s weird.

That’s good about that kid’s testimony on prayer. I think that’s the biggest thing to learn every great miracle or great event happened most often because of one prayer or someone’s sincere desire so if they understand that if they see past themselves and let faith take a role then things happen that wouldn’t have otherwise.

Not a lot of new things happened this week but wait so I have 2 boxes on the way?
But anyways love ya jas

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