Monday, February 15, 2010

02/15/2010 Week 6 (MTC)

February 15, 2010

First and foremost did you get my last letter I mailed you I’m curious cause I have zero faith in today’s mailing system!! I told you all about my investigators. They’re pretty cool. But I did get your Valentines package on Friday so it got here in perfect timing. So the district ahead of us just left today so we are now the bigdogs at the mtc. MY whole district is surprised that I dodged the bullet -- they called new district leaders and zone leaders and I’m not one. Hallelujah or however you spell that.

We get a fresh batch of new elders this Wednesday so that should be exciting to meet a new batch. Dad I guess there is some confusion to when I’m leaving -- a bunch of people say the 8th and some say the 1st so we’re not sure when are. Branch President is supposed to figure it out. We all have our fingers crossed for the 1st. but I have no clue about visas I’m assuming everything is gonna be alright but I have no clue they haven’t told us anything so nobody knows how it works.

Mom I don’t think I need anything at this point or at least that I can think of package wise. Times finally winding down and I can’t wait to get to the field but I really wanted to see Reed and Kyle. I saw Brian Buckner the other day and actually taught him the first lesson in Tagalog I made my teacher let me teach him and he was like heck ya just don’t speak English and you can teach him so I got to talk to him a bit it was way cool. he looks different for sure. but I want to see Reed or Kyle because I want to give them my investigators because when I leave I’m worried that no one is gonna take up the slack and get things done with them.

I cant believe the Olympics have started -- I’m so bummed I mean I’m so depressed that I’m not going to get to watch the figure skating! I don’t know how I’m gonna sleep at night knowing that I’m missing it. (If you can’t tell that’s sarcasm) I guess that’s one thing I’m not gonna miss. But I don’t know what else to say really. I hope you guys are having fun.

o I almost forgot dads question – in the rc people call or are referred to us then we basically keep calling them back. sometimes it’s been like 5 years since they called and sometimes its preachers that called to get a free bible to give to people or to use and stuff so its pretty hard to find people that actually care but the old ones or the people that can’t speak English very well I find are the humble ones that want to talk. Its mainly just being nice and get talking to them till they like you then from there start talking about the church. but anyways - I’m running out of time I have to write ang still

love ya jas

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